I use the pens of my Lenova X220 Tablet PC (windows)
I was checking out the review Best Tablets with Stylus because the X220 is getting old, but is still quite serviceable and because I am tempted to move to the unified environment of Windows on all devices, but that is currently too costly and may leave me with a phone incompatibility unless I swap it out. Yes I want all three devices to do the same thing and run the same programs -- too much to ask?
Until that day arrives I can share hand written documents between all three devices most easily through Evernote. I can sketch a supply and demand graph on my tablet and almost instantly grab it on my laptop to include in the email I am composing for my student. I can create a to do list on my tablet or laptop and have it available and editable on my phone as I happily scratch off and add to it wherever I am. I have long been an advocate of digital ink and associative technology, but in every case the value is in the Apps or programs that make digital ink computing ubiquitous.
Another cool thing for the Samsung Note family, it allows the syncing of the proprietary S-note between the tablet and phone and makes them available to the desktop. Not perfect, but really useful. I am an Evernote Premium user and for my use would think of nothing less, but you can explore the features at this Evernote link.
I am also quite the fan of a program called PDF Max 4 which will allow you to read, annotate & edit PDF documents and fill out PDF Forms!
By the way I used to be high on Bluebeam.com for desktop annotations of pdfs and it is an excellent program, but they do not have an Android solution. They do have an iPad solution. That is where they lost me.
Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1
Samsung's Galaxy Note 10.1
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