Friday, September 30, 2005

He threw away his notes....

It's not about technology, but Professor Steve Greenlaw of University of Mary Washington is attempting an experiment to truly move away from ”chalk & talk” teaching in his principles of macro course this semester. He would like to invite you to follow this experiment over the semester and give him feedback along the way. Any questions, comments, concerns or suggestions are welcome.
If you are interested, even a little, here’s what you can do: Go to his blog, where he is writing about the experiment at . Interesting reading...

Midwest Conference on Student Learning in Economics: Innovation, Assessment and Classroom Technology

This is to call your attention to a rapidly upcoming conference, one we believe is the premier conference in economic education concentrating on technological innovation, assessment and classroom research.

You still have a chance to present at the Midwest Conference on Student Learning in Economics: Innovation, Assessment and Classroom Research held in Akron on October 28, 2005. We will accept posters presentations until October 7. Come enjoy our conference and give us a preview of what you have in store for your ASSA session.
Call for Presentations
Be part of the online proceedings
We are proud to announce many of the scheduled speakers. Please look and see which of your colleagues have been accepted so far.
2005 Speakers and Schedule
Pass this email and this poster on to your colleagues.
Finally, we are proud to be the premier if not only economics conference to feature the latest in instructional technology. To that end we have six new sponsors that bring exciting technology to you and will participate in our Technology Showcase.
See the exhibitors already signed up
Know anyone you would like to see featured here as a sponsor?
Hurry and sign up.

He's back

I haven’t published to this blog for most of this year.  I intend to change that with this post and again comment on teaching and learning economics with technology.  One of the new options is the use of a toolbar that allows publishing directly from word and this post is my first test of that option.